We recently launched a new program with our 'Recycling Wizard' Leah at the CVRD. You send us the tough questions and she'll provide the answers, straight from the source. Because we're of the belief that if one person has a question, odds are good others do too, we will be sharing these conversations in our blog as well as on our social media channels.
Have a question? Feel free to email it to plentifill@gmail.com, or pop by and fill out a form.
Question #1:
Is there a possibility of doing all our own recycling on the Island instead of shipping it away? Near or distant future....
Response from Leah:
My answer is based off of “Recycling” meaning curbside materials (as that’s what folks interact with the most), as there are over 16 provincially regulated Extended Producer Responsibility programs in BC that manage “recycling” in different ways and different places (e.g. electronics recycling, beverage container recycling, etc., etc.).
The LONG version: The Cowichan Valley Regional District and its member-municipalities collect curbside recycling materials (as well as flexible plastics, foam and glass packaging materials at Recycling Centres) for
Recycle BC, a non-profit organization that manages packaging and paper product recycling 99% of British Columbians. Recycle BC is an
Extended Producer Responsibility program, which means that it is funded by businesses, like retailers, manufacturers and restaurants that supply
packaging and paper products who must take responsibility for these materials through the Provincial
Recycling Regulation. This means that these organizations cover the cost, sorting, recycling and approves the end markets for these materials through Recycle BC. As a result, 94% of materials put in your curbside recycling are recycled and processed within North America due to this coordinated, province-wide approach. For an extensive list of what happens to your curbside recycling and where, visit the
CVRD’s Recycling End Markets webpage.
The short and sweet (TLDR): Curbside Recycling is collected by Recycle BC, a non-profit organization that manages packaging and paper products for over 99% of British Columbians. The program approves all recycling end markets, ensuring responsible end-of-life management, and resulting in traceable recycling for 99% of British Columbians. As a result, 94% of materials put in your curbside recycling are recycled and processed within North America due to this coordinated, province-wide approach. For an extensive list of what happens to your curbside recycling and where, visit the CVRD’s Recycling End Markets webpage.